Texican Cafe - 11940 Manchaca Rd 3.8/5
It was the day after Christmas and all through the house it was time for enchiladas! The boys headed to the Texican Cafe with visions of lunch specials dancing in their heads. While the service was a bit spotty it was friendly nonetheless. They were doing a brisk business and probably on skeleton crew, being the holiday season. Rusty was disappointed they only served unsweetened iced tea. Hard to keep the sweetness level right when the glass gets regularly topped off with unsweetened tea. That wasn't a big problem today as the teas were only refilled once and both were empty before the meal was finished.
No problems with the food, though. The chips were the yellow corn variety, not the boys' favorite, but not overly thick as some of the worst offenders. The chips were warm when served and the salsa was tasty with a nice heat to it. Salsas tend to go in one of two general directions. Chunkier versions with a prominent pico de gallo element and a "fresher" taste albeit usually heavier on cilantro flavor. Then there is the the more pureed, less chunky style which tends to have a richer flavor with less of a cilantro element. The Texican's salsa is more the latter style and not a bad salsa. Steve leans toward the fresher, chunkier salsas while Rusty tends toward the smoother, richer salsas. Steve found the Texican's salsa to be a bit heavy on the salt while Rusty thought it had the perfect burn to it.
El Paso Enchiladas
with beef
Sour Cream Enchiladas
with chicken